BRICS AFRICA CHANNEL Promoting Digital Empowerment for the New Development of Media in China and Africa

President of BRICS AFRICA CHANNEL, attends the 6th Forum on China-Africa Media Cooperation & Africa Think Tanks High-Level Dialogue in Beijing, China. During his address, Mr Ayanda Hollow highlighted the growing unity among Global South Media Nations, particularly through partnerships like the one between BRICS AFRICA CHANNEL and China's National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA). He emphasized the transformative power of digital economic partnerships, citing the BRICS Declaration on Digital Economic Partnerships in 2022 as a foundation for breaking down barriers in global storytelling. He also discussed the role of platforms like StarSat and StarTimes ON in meeting the evolving media consumption habits of younger audiences, who increasingly rely on mobile devices for content. Mr. Hollow underscored the importance of crafting and sharing narratives that reflect the diverse experiences of the Global South. He called for investment in media and broadcasting infrastructure in Africa, positioning cities like Johannesburg, Cape Town, Lagos, and Nairobi as key hubs for creative collaboration. He concluded by urging continued efforts to empower communities through media, especially in the face of global challenges like climate change and poverty. Mr. Hollow's speech resonated with a call to action: to embrace the digital age, tell our stories with passion, and work together to ensure that the voices of the Global South are heard and respected worldwide.
August 21, 2024

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me take you on a journey, a story that began not so long ago but has already started changing how we see the World, tell our stories and connect across continents.

The Dawn of Collaboration

In the past year, we've witnessed a remarkable unity among the Global South Media Nations. From the heart of Africa to the vastness of Asia, the diversity of Latin America, and the cultural richness of Russia, we've come together like never before. This collaboration is more than just strategic; it's a testament to our shared dreams, aspirations, and a deep understanding of our collective stories. It's not just your story and my story but our collective stories in diversity!

China's National Television and Radio Administration (NRTA) plays a pivotal role in this movement, serving as a staunch supporter and backbone of this grand narrative. Their partnership with BRICS AFRICA CHANNEL, a channel that is not just a broadcaster but a storyteller, is a testament to their commitment. Together, they've embarked on a mission to amplify the voices of the Global South, forging bonds in China-Africa relations to bring our stories into sharp focus and share them with the World.

The Power of Digital Economic Partnerships

This mission was further strengthened by the BRICS Declaration on Digital Economic Partnerships in 2022, which laid the foundation for our current endeavours. This declaration was not just a statement of intent but a blueprint for action, recognizing the transformative power of digital technology in shaping the future of global communications. It's a testament to the potential of digital innovation to revolutionize our industry and inspire new ways of storytelling, content creation and sharing!

The Digital Economic Partnership has allowed us to break down the barriers that once limited our ability to share our narratives with the World. By embracing digital platforms and technologies, we are no longer constrained by traditional media. Instead, we are at the forefront of a digital revolution that empowers our people to tell their own stories in their voices and languages.

The Digital Nomads and StarSat

But this story doesn't end with traditional media. No, it expands into the digital age, where young people no longer sit stationary in front of their televisions. Our audiences are like the nomads of past great civilizations, always on the move, carrying the tools of their time—today, these tools of interaction are smartphones and tablets. The young Africans and Chinese youth don't have time for the permanency of what others think of them; they are focused on the mobility of everything, including their learning and crafting the stories they want. They want to tell stories about the Belt and Road initiative, co-produce stories for entertainment, own the commercial benefits of their stories, and see themselves broadcasted on tablet screens in mainland China and across Africa! They want deeper cultural ties in modern times.
The StarSat and its mobile app, StarTimes ON, have emerged as the digital homes for our audiences, especially those who may not have satellite dishes but are always connected and moving. StarTimes ON has become a favourite for those who crave content on the go—stories told in small bites, sound bites, but always in the clarity of 4K vision. Their role in shaping the digital age of media consumption cannot be overstated.

Crafting Our Narrative

Through BRICS AFRICA CHANNEL platforms, Global South media partnerships are not just watching; We are participating in our own story. We're presenting our narrative, analyzing it, decoding its symbolism, and sharing the painful meanings of our experiences in Gaza and the joys of our progressive collaborations digitally! This isn't just about broadcasting; it's about creating a dialogue, exchanging emotions, and understanding who we are. Innovatively!

In the past year, we've seen the emergence of content that reflects this ethos: documentaries that explore our people's resilience, news stories that highlight our triumphs and struggles, and cultural programs that showcase the rich tapestry of our heritage. This is storytelling's purest form—raw, emotional, and powerful. Curated by us for the World.

We invite all creatives, businesses, and media partners to invest in the Media and Broadcasting infrastructure in South Africa. In the heartbeat of the continent, the Commercial City of Africa, Mzantsi, is where these collaborations are forged.
It's a hub of commerce, culture, and creativity; there, we are crafting a new narrative for the World to see. African Cities, like Cape Town, Lagos, Nairobi, and Johannesburg, are not just great locations to use in crafting your stories; they are symbolic locations, spaces of the vibrant exchange of ideas, the pulse of a continent on the rise, and the gateway through which the stories of the Global South can flow to the rest of the World.

We have the opportunity to make our digital experiences commercially viable and, most importantly, base our stories on the value systems drawn from the depths of our ancient civilizations. As these values of mutual respect and benefits towards a multipolar world guide us:
In our efforts to mitigate climate change's effects and fight against the many faces of poverty—the poverty of food, energy, security, and justice—through our media, as much as we inform, we empower, educate, and inspire our communities to rise above the challenges they face.

Digitizing the Next Chapter Together

So, let us continue to tell our stories with passion and purpose. Let us embrace the digital age with the understanding that our narrative is our strength. Let us work together as partners in this incredible journey to ensure that the Global South's voices are heard, felt, understood, and respected. We can make a difference through our collective efforts, shared dreams, and aspirations.

This is our story, and it is one that we will continue to write together.

Thank you.


Ayanda Hollow