The event marks the launch of Dr. Paul Tembe's new book, Xi Jinping and the Flourishing Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in the New Era. The speech highlights significant developments in both South Africa and China during July, emphasize their shared commitment to reform and modernization. It underscores China's strategic partnership with Africa, particularly through the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), which has driven substantial economic growth and infrastructure development across the continent. Ambassador Wu Peng praises FOCAC's role in fostering mutual respect and cooperation and looks forward to the upcoming FOCAC summit in September, where Chinese and African leaders will further discuss the future of their relationship. The speech concludes with optimism for the success of the summit and the strengthening of ties between China, South Africa, and the broader African continent.
August 17, 2024

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

Good afternoon!

Welcome to today’s event and join us in celebrating the launch of Doctor Paul Tembe’s new book titled “Xi Jinping and the Flourishing Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in the New Era”.

The past month of July witnessed important moments in the history of both South Africa and China.

In South Africa, a Government of National Unity was successfully formed. President Ramaphosa led the people of South Africa into a new era of building a stronger, more resilient, more equal and more united nation.

In China, the 20thCentral Committee of the Communist Party of China successfully convened its third plenary session. The CPC Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, united and led the whole Party and people of all ethnic groups in China in charting the course for further deepening reform comprehensively, opening up anew chapter as we advance Chinese modernisation.

In his Opening of Parliament Address, President Ramaphosa mentioned the word ‘reform’ eight times.

In the resolution adopted by the plenary session on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernisation, the phrase ‘reform and opening up’ was also mentioned eight times.

This coincidence proves once again that our development philosophy are highly compatible, and we are indeed partners in our journey toward modernisation.

It is China’s long-term strategic choice and the cornerstone of our foreign policy to enhance solidarity and cooperation with African countries, including South Africa.

President Xi Jinping has visited the African continent ten times.

He put forward new concepts for China to develop relations with Africa, such as China-Africa community with a shared future, the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests, and the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith.

These concepts point out the way forward and provide a fundamental guideline for China-Africa cooperation in the new era.

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is the most important symbol of China-Africa solidarity and cooperation.

For the past 24 years since its formation, FOCAC has become an exemplar for international cooperation with Africa and a model for South-South cooperation.

Let me give you a few examples. In 2023, the trade between China and Africa reached a record high of 282.1 billion US dollars, a 26-fold increase compared with the founding year of the Forum; China’s FDI in Africa exceeded 40 billion US dollars, growing by over 100 folds compared with the year 2000.

Fifty-two African countries and the African Union Commission have signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with China.

Projects carrying the ‘dream of the century’ for African countries, such as the AU Conference Centre, the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway, the Addis Ababa–Djibouti Railway, the Maputo-Katembe Bridge, have all been completed.

In Africa, China has built and upgraded more than 10,000 kilometres of railways. We have constructed nearly 100,000 kilometres of highways and over 60,000kilometres of submarine cables, as well as nearly 1,000 bridges, 100 ports and over 100 health facilities and schools.

Chinese enterprises help build networks in African countries. They have served more than 900 million African people, improving Africa’s capacity for self-driven, sustainable development, and creating great opportunities for both China and Africa to make progress and achieve prosperity.

FOCAC stands out from the many global and transregional cooperation frameworks as well as initiatives on cooperation with Africa.

This is largely because it always advocates friendship and cooperation, and follows the principles of mutual respect, treating each other as equals and joint consultation.

In planning initiatives coming out of FOCAC, China always refers to Agenda 2063,and is committed to dovetailing our second centenary goal with the corestrategies of the AU and African countries.

For example, to support Africa’s green development, China uses environmental governance technologies to help grow Africa’s Great Green Wall.

We build water-saving irrigation pilot areas in Mauritania, Nigeria and Ethiopia, and use Juncao grass technology to create green jobs in South Africa, Kenya and Rwanda.

Ata critical moment in South Africa’s green energy transition, Chinese enterprises such as Gold wind and Longyuan Power have entered the South African market.

They have built and operated multiple wind power projects, sending power to thousands of households in South Africa, and creating a large number of jobs for local people.

Ladies and gentlemen,

A new FOCAC summit is going to be held in early September under the theme ‘Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future’.

Chinese and African leaders will once again gather in Beijing to discuss the future of China and Africa.

South Africa was the co-chair of the FOCAC Johannesburg Summit held in 2015, and has played an important role in FOCAC development.

This new book of Doctor Paul Tembe will take readers on a trip to explore FOCAC development and its success secrets. It’s released at just the right time.

I would like to wish the 2024 FOCAC Summit every success! We are confident that during President Ramaphosa’s trip to China, he will deepen friendship and have great discussions on our cooperation with President Xi Jinping.

The two presidents will surely move China-South Africa and China-Africa relations forward.

Thank you!